The Corson Crew

The Corson Crew

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Big boy Matthew

This morning Matthew and his "baby" spent some quality time together watching "Buzz" before we headed off to Bible Buddies. I just don't understand some things and that's just alright!
After Bible Buddies we had lunch as church with our normal crew. M and J did their normal running around and suckered a cute little girl to join them.
Then it was off to the lab to get Matthew's blood drawn:(. But, he couldn't have been a bigger champ! He sat in the chair with me and sat still the whole time. He even watched... Unlike his mommy! He cried just a little and we were done! Now, we have to wait until Monday for results. I'm guessing it's allergies!
Oh, and 2 things on my Christmas wish list I found at HEB tonight! I just couldn't wait for!

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